More Yr6 Algebra, Test 4D and Recurring Decimals

Simon Deacon
2 min readApr 17, 2024

One of the amazing things about some of our GCSE students, is their enthusiasm to study at a higher level. While focussing on achieving the very best in this years exams, these young people are making absolutely sure that they are ready for 6th form.

It’s a real privilege to work with them and, with that level of commitment, I’m certain they will make a significant impact on the world. It’s exciting to see.

Key Stage 2 (years 3–6)

HUGE thank you to those students who worked through last week’s year 6 algebra.

By popular demand, here’s an additional worksheet with some questions based on applying formulas such as taxi fares, cooking time and theatre tickets. Please do let me know if you need any help; algebra can be a little challenging :-)

Key Stage 3 (years 7–9)

Last week’s grade 4 GCSE test also seemed to be fairly popular although, again, had some quite difficult questions.

So, here’s some additional practice at this grade. This level would consitute a pass at GCSE — it’s a useful exercise to become familiar with the types of questions asked.

Key Stage 4 (years 10–11)



Simon Deacon

3minutemaths posts are light hearted, fairly punchy, occasionally funny, encouraging reads. Probably in the educational space. Sometimes not.