Jumbled, Percentages & SohCahToa

Simon Deacon
2 min readJun 1, 2022


The final half term before finishing GCSE’s can be quite a stressful time for many students. And also for younger students — now that SATS are over — with the thought of moving to high school.

Honestly, you’ll be fine. Don’t forget we’re here to support, and please do contact if you need any help; we’re with you every step of the way :-)

Key Stage 2

Great to see that last week’s bar modelling question created a few comments, and thank you to everyone who made contact. It might be worth looking at some more tricky questions and any thoughts, comments or ideas are always gratefully received.

Here’s an interesting worksheet on jumbled sentences, that might be useful for Key Stage 2.

Key Stage 3

There’s a very high percentage that percentages might appear on any exam paper that you work through. After all, the percentage of percentage questions has been a consistently high percentage for a while …

And they are useful :-)

Key Stage 4

The study of trigonometry has been around for a very long time and, even when I went to school (pre calculator days … anyone remember log tables?!), we had to learn SohCahToa.

Here’s a worksheet and video walkthrough to help with revision for papers 2 & 3.

Looking forward to seeing you soon :-)

Simon D

PS. And, the joke of the day:

Did you hear about the circle who never left university? He had 360 degrees.

PPS. And, finally … if you find the videos helpful, please could I ask for a ‘like’ and/or a comment on the YouTube video itself?

Percentages — Quick Reminder — GCSE Grade 3

SohCahToa Trigonometry for Right Angled Triangles



Simon Deacon

3minutemaths posts are light hearted, fairly punchy, occasionally funny, encouraging reads. Probably in the educational space. Sometimes not.